Understanding Generation Z

Kantar is your go-to partner for uncovering the changing dynamics of Generation Z.


SHOPPER INSIGHTSFast-track your understanding of the Gen Z shopper

This unique group of shoppers continues challenging expectations and changing how retail works. Gen Z shoppers set themselves apart from other generations with their diverse backgrounds, savvy spending habits, and comfort with various forms of media. They stand out in how they approach shopping, setting high standards for brands and retailers.


Brands and retailers are racing to catch up with Gen Z

As a cohort, this generation holds massive spending power. Get to know a bit more about Gen Z shoppers:

  • In 2024, Gen Z are ages 12-27 (Born between 1997 and 2012)
  • MONITOR 2023 Gen Z population estimate: 70 million 
  • 21% of the total US population
  • Possess $984 billion* in spending power


* Kantar analysis of Census Bureau data; reflects only Gen Z heads of household 16-26 in 2023
Source: US Census Bureau, https://www.census.gov/popclock/, U.S. MONITOR

RETAIL SOUND BITESHear from Kantar's Gen Z experts

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AUG 9, 2024

Episode 67: It's giving Gen Z: How, where, and why Gen Z shoppers shop

In episode 67 of Kantar's Retail Sound Bites, Barry Thomas, senior retail thought leader, and Rachel Dalton, head of retail insights, welcome a panel of Gen Z shoppers including Misha Jethwa, Taylre Stumpf, Jake Kalotai, and Vidusshi Hingad, to discuss how, where, and why they shop.

Hear more of Retail Sound Bites.

Catered content, just for you

Get actionable insights to amplify your reach among the Gen Z cohort

TikTok to checkout: How brands seize Gen Z's attention

Uncovering new strategies designed to shape the brand conversation across social platforms.

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Shopper Insights highlight: Canadian, Gen Z shoppers

Explore how to engage with Canadian Gen Z shoppers to provide a fun and tech-savvy shopping experience.

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Winning over Gen Z: How brands leverage nostalgia

Nostalgia deeply influences consumer behaviour, especially among Gen Z, who connect with eras they never experienced. 

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Gen Z’s influence on CPG social media marketing and retail teams

To what extent has TikTok captured Gen Z audiences in the US? Here are some key stats

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