Defining better: How attributes drive product choice

Understand shopper perceptions of better-for-you and healthy products, how attributes are evaluated, and which resonate the best with shoppers


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Learn about the healthy/eco-friendly shopper, the role specific attributes play in product selection, and which command a higher willingness to pay in this study.

Better-for-you and healthier products have gained traction in the last few years. The inflationary environment can make it challenging for companies to capture premium spend when wallets are under pressure. Find out more about which shoppers are more likely to purchase healthy and eco-friendly products, which attributes are must-haves, which drive willingness to spend and traffic to stores, all at the category level! 

What you'll learn

How you'll use it

The details you'll need

  • How do shoppers comprehend ‘better’ cues at the shelf?

  • What does the BFY shopper want, how and when do they educate?

  • How can you cut through the clutter of a crowded shelf with most compelling messaging?

  • Drive conversion by understanding what matters MOST to shoppers

  • Prioritize product features, claims and on-pack real-estate

  • Innovate on benefits, optimize shelving, and drive demand: what’s most desirable? Who will pay more?

  • Robust sample: 2,000 shoppers
  • Our expert-authored 100+ page report is full of both insights and action
  • Our fully-sliceable data includes
    25+ categories and 15+ retailers*
  • Customize the study to meet your needs, including question topics and retailer/category lists.
  • Category list includes edible grocery, and non-edible/household products. 
  • Includes a large range of attributes, from natural, organic, plant-based, high protein, to not tested on animals, limited ingredients or hormone-free.

 Category IQ clients can gain access to this Deep Dive as part of their license. Non-subscribers can purchase it for:


Includes the full 100+ slides report and the Excel data set including retailer, category and demographic details.


Contact us for more information at

Key categories

Healthy/eco-friendly attributes resonate more on some categories than other

Fresh products tend to rank higher in terms of importance, but does it differ by category? Does it drive different levels of willingness to spend?

Importance of packaging

The importance of packaging

55% of shoppers who purchase healthier/eco-friendly grocery products read the ingredients on the package. But what exactly do they pay attention to?

Selection drivers

Factors considered when selecting healthy/eco-friendly household products?

How important is the healthy/clean attributes relative to price or even brand when shoppers are looking to purchase household products? 


Kantar's Retail, Sales,
and Shopper Expert

Answering your most pressing questions related to category insights.

Lauren Winkler no background
Lauren Winkler
Vice President, Category Insights
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